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Chalmiers, Morgen A. "‘Life Is Tight Here’: Displacement and Desire amongst Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan." Anthropology of the Middle East 16, no. 1 (2021): 49-69.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “The Moral Valence of Intentionality and the Modern Reproductive Subject.” Medical Anthropology, 39, no 6. (2020): 506-520.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. "Regimes of Exclusion in the Reproductive Healthcare Setting: Exploring the Experiences of Syrian Refugees in San Diego, California." Un-Settling Middle Eastern Refugees: Regimes of Exclusion and Inclusion in the Middle East, Europe, & North America." Inhorn, Marcia & Lucia Volk, eds. (2021). Berghan Books, p. 180-195.


Selemawit Ghebrendrias, Sarah Pfeil, Bonnie Crouthamel, Morgen A. Chalmiers, Gennifer Kully, Sheila Mody. "An Examination of Misconceptions and Their Impact on Cervical Cancer Prevention Practices among Sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern Refugees." Health Equity, 5, no. 1 (2021): 382-389.


Raj A, Barker KM, Heskett K, Chalmiers M. Introduction. Sexual Violence Research: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Literature 2015 - 2019. California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. September 2019.


Chalmiers M, Raj A. Risk Factors Associated with Experiencing Sexual Violence. Sexual Violence Research: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Literature 2015 - 2019. California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. September 2019.


Chalmiers M, Mizrahi S, Behnam R, Raj A. Risk Factors for Committing Sexual Violence. Sexual Violence Research: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Literature 2015 - 2019. California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. September 2019.


Chalmiers M, Raj A. Resilience and Protective Factors. Sexual Violence Research: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Literature 2015 - 2019.California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. September 2019.


Amabile C, Tran D, Park E, Chalmiers M, Raj A, Wagman J. College Students. Sexual Violence Research: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Literature 2015 - 2019. California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. September 2019.


Chalmiers M., Behnam R, Raj A. Consequences. Sexual Violence Research: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Literature 2015 - 2019. California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. September 2019.


Raj A, Dixit A, Dehingia N, Chalmiers M, Fielding-Miller R. Multi-Level Responses and Interventions to Address Sexual Violence. Sexual Violence Research: Findings from a Systematic Review of the Literature 2015 - 2019. California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. September 2019.


Invited Lectures

Chalmiers, Morgen A., Sargent, Christine & Loh, Timothy. “Well-being and Living Well: Ethnographic Approaches to Health and Disability in Contemporary Jordan.” American Center of Research Online Lecture Series. Amman, Jordan. March 2021.


Chalmiers, Morgen Angela & Tyree, Griffin Ayaz. “Complications and Contradictions in Community-Based Participatory Research: An Interactive Panel Discussion.” UC Global Health Day Breakout Session. April 2018.

Conference Presentations


Chalmiers, Morgen A., & Mody, Sheila. “Communication Barriers in Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling: A Qualitative Study of Resettled Syrian Refugees' Experiences of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare in San Diego, California.” Poster Presentation. 16th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health. Forthcoming, May 2022 (postponed due to COVID-19).


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “Reproductive Decision-Making after Displacement: Comparing the Effects of Stigma & Access Barriers on Syrian Refugees at a Site of First-Asylum (Irbid, Jordan) and a Site of Official Resettlement (San Diego, CA).” Oral Presentation. 16th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health. Forthcoming, May 2022 (postponed due to COVID-19).


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “Reproductive Governance & the Migrant Subject: An Ethnographic Critique.” Oral Presentation. British Society for Middle Eastern Studies 2020 Conference. July 2021.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “ ‘In through the door—not through the window:’ Syrian Refugees’ Stories of Love before and after Resettlement.” Oral Presentation. 35th Annual Middle East History & Theory Conference. University of Chicago. Forthcoming, May 2021.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “Reproductive Subjectivity after Displacement: A Person-Centered Ethnography.” Society for Psychological Anthropology Biennial Meeting. Forthcoming, April 2021.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “Too Many Babies? Reproductive Governance and the Refugee Subject.” Critical Conversations on Reproductive Health/Care: Past, Present, & Future. Oral Presentation. Johns Hopkins University. February 2021.


Dixit, Anvita, Chalmiers, Morgen A., Barker, Kathryn, & Raj, Anita. “New Measures of Sexual Violence: Learnings from a Systematic Review on Sexual Violence in the United States, Published from January 2015 to March 2019.” Poster Presentation. National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence. April 2020.


Chalmiers, Morgen A., Al-Basha, Natalie, Behnam, Rawnaq, & Mody, Sheila. “Factors Affecting Trust in the Patient-Provider Relationship: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Resettled Refugees’ Experiences of Reproductive Healthcare in San Diego, California” Poster Presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. November 2019.


Chalmiers, Morgen A., Behnam, Rawnaq, Al-Basha, Natalie, & Mody, Sheila. “Barriers to patient-provider communication in the reproductive healthcare setting: A qualitative study among resettled Syrian refugees in San Diego, California.” Poster Presentation. Society of Family Planning Annual Forum. October 2019.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “Responsible Mothers, Good Patients, and Grateful Refugees.” Oral Presentation. Unsetting Middle-Eastern Refugees: Regimes of Inclusion & Exclusion. An Invited Conference & Workshop at Yale University. September 2019.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “Reproductive Subjectivity after Displacement: A Person-Centered Inquiry with Transnational Syrian Families in Irbid, Jordan and San Diego, California.” Oral Presentation. Society for Psychological Anthropology Biannual Meeting. April 2019.


Chalmiers, Morgen A., Behnam, Rawnaq, Al-Basha, Natalie, & Mody, Sheila. “Barriers to Care among Resettled Syrian Refugee Women.” Oral Presentation. Western Medical Research Conference. January 2019.


Chalmiers, Morgen A., Crouthamel, Bonnie, Mody, Sheila, and Thiel de Bocanegra, Heike. “Disparities in Refugee Reproductive Health: A Mixed-Methods, Multi-sited Investigation at California Community Clinics and Health Centers.” Poster Presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. November 2018.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. "Person-Centered Public Health: Using Ethnographic Methods to Investigate Models of Agency among Pregnant Adolescents.” Poster Presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. November 2018.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. "Tu Quisiste Tener Una Hija:" Intention, Agency, and The Myth of The Rational Actor in Adolescent Pregnancy.” Oral Presentation. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. November 2018.


Chalmiers, Morgen A.“ ‘Saving Two Lives:’ Urgency, Metrics, and Discipline in Maternal Health Interventions.” Oral Presentation. Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. December, 2017.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “The Deserving Fetus and the Unruly Laboring Body: Tensions Between Discipline and Care in Maternal Health.” Oral Presentation. National Conference for Physician-Scholars in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Harvard University. April 2017.


Chalmiers, Morgen A. “For the Sake of the Baby: The Violence of Safer Births in Tamil Nadu.” Oral Presentation. Society for Psychological Anthropology Biennial Meeting. March, 2017.




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