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Honors & Awards

Non-Empirical Research Award, John Templeton Foundation (2020)

Principle Investigator on a multi-sited, ethnographic study of mental health and religious coping among Syrian refugees in Jordan, Turkey, and San Diego, California.


Fulbright-Hayes Doctoral Dissertation Research Award (2020)

Awarded a Fulbright-Hayes grant to conduct ethnographic research on sexual and reproductive health among Syrian refugee women in Amman, Jordan.


American Center of Research Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (2020)

Received a six-month pre-doctoral research fellowship from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers to study gender mainstreaming in humanitarian response.


George Haydu Prize (2020)   

Received the UCSD George Haydu Award ($4,500) for the best research proposal in the Anthropology Study of the Interaction of Culture, Behavior, and Human Values.


David K Jordan Fellowship (2020)

Awarded the Daivd K. Jordan fellowship ($4,500) for research on reproductive decision-making among Syrian refugees in Amman, Jordan.


Dissertation Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation (2020)

Awarded a doctoral dissertation improvement grant to fund four additional months of research on reproductive decision-making among Syrian refugees in Jordan upon completion of the Fulbright.


Fulbright Open Research Award, U.S. Dept. of State (2019)

Designated a Fulbright Student Researcher and provided with 9 months of funding for research on reproductive decision-making among Syrian refugees in Jordan.


Critical Language Enhancement Award, U.S. Dept. of State (2019)

Awarded a full scholarship for one semester of intensive Arabic-language study at Qasid Institute in Amman, Jordan.


Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute Engagement Award (2019)

One of 4 Co-Investigators awarded a $250,000 grant to establish “California’s Refugee Reproductive Health Network (ReproNet): Engaging Refugee Women in Research Partnerships” under Principal Investigator Heike Thiel de Bocanegra.


Human Rights Center Student Fellow, UC Berkeley School of Law (2019)

Received $5,000 human rights fellowship to support an internship and community-engaged research partnership with the Syrian Community Network, a San Diego NGO that provides services to the Syrian refugee community.


Global Religion Research Initiative, University of Notre Dame (2019)

Received a $12,000 Project Launch grant to study the influence of religion on reproductive decision-making and psychological well-being among Syrian refugees.


Critical Language Scholarship Alumni Development Award (2018)

Received $700 grant to fund directed study & tutoring in Syrian dialect (Arabic).


Critical Refugee Studies Award Recipient (2018)

Awarded a $7,000 grant from the Critical Refugee Studies Collective to fund research expenses for person-centered, ethnographic research on Syrian refugees’ experiences of reproductive healthcare in San Diego County.


Howell Foundation Community Engagement Initiative Award (2018)

One of two trainees under the supervision of Principle Investigator Dr. Sheila Mody who applied for and were awarded a $15,000 grant from the Howell Foundation to investigate barriers to refugee women’s health and to design evidence-based resources to improve refugee women’s healthcare experiences through collaborative community research.


Emerging Scholar in Family Planning (2018)

Awarded a $7,500 grant to conduct qualitative research on resettled refugee reproductive health in San Diego County in June, 2018.


Critical Language Scholar, U.S. Dept. of State (2017)

Received a full scholarship and stipend from the U.S. State Department for summer Hindi study in Jaipur, India.


Summer Undergraduate Research Project Grant (2012)

Received a grant of $4000 from Pomona College to travel to India for the summer and carry out independent research on maternal health in Tamil Nadu.


Critical Language Scholar, U.S. Dept. of State (2010)

Received a full scholarship and stipend from the U.S. State Department for summer Arabic study in Amman, Jordan.


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